Bobby B. of Neon Apothecary: Bringing Home the Travel Experience

Bobby, tell us about how you started Neon Apothecary:
Neon Apothecary began from my long standing love of candles. I have always loved collecting and acquiring them when I travel. My husband is the publisher of a small press and one day while helping him sell his books at an event, I thought that candles would be a natural complement to them. After selling out my first line through Neon Hemlock Press, I started Neon Apothecary to branch out on my own.
Tell us more about the signature scents you’ve shared with us. Where do you find inspiration for your scents?
First and foremost my inspiration comes from extensive travel and trying to recreate some sense of the experience or memory of places I’ve been. My signature scents, which I’ve shared with My Trove Box, draw heavily from my travel.
In addition, Neon Apothecary also partners with Black, Brown and queer creatives to design lines of candles complement their work. Whether it’s queer literature, hand-crafted cookies or Afrocentric jewelry, I like to approach each project from a place of how best to invoke their essence through scent.
EPERNAY is based on my scent, Lost Relic. It calls up faraway lands and indescribable treasure. I really love this scent year round as it's truly versatile and brings a scent of golden age luxury to the air.
TALIOUINE is based on the signature scent, Neon Coven. This was the very first scent I claimed for my brand. I was drawn to the rich smoke of the tonka and richness it brought to my space.
How do you give back to your community?
My partnership with The Cookie Stache raised money for a nonprofit program called the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP). It’s a great cause and I’d love to do more fundraisers with my partners in the future.
Readers: The above is an excerpt from our in-depth Q&A with Bobby B. in our Discover Delight Design Delivered quarterly e-magazine that members can access via our Spring and Winter box subscription.